
Staying on a site that enforces shitty rules because they can’t clean up their own act is like chilling on a sinking ship.

“Huh? What now?”

For those who don’t know: Tumblr just banned Not Safe For Work content site-wide. Why is this bad you might ask?

  • It’s a censorship of fanworks and people on a diverse media platform
  • It could be detrimental to those who make their living through nsfw art and cam work and use tumblr as their social media of choice
  • It’s literally being enacted on International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers, so feminists, be angry
  • It’s implying that trans masc folks have to be post-op to be shirtless in pictures, hey, @ staff, you want to pay for top surgery for all the trans people you’re oppressing and forcing to pass? lmao)

    so trans folk and allies, be angry

  • It’s not going to crush mainstream media, it’s going to crush indie creators, so indies and indie supporters, be angry
  • It’s repeating a terrible history of sites losing their works and ruining fannish communities, such as ff.net and live journal… in 2018
  • P.S. remember when they told us to fight for net neutrality? they do that only to censor us right after, lol

Remember this: I’m a sfw blog. I wouldn’t even be directly affected by this aside from a couple reblogs on my side account, I just don’t want to keep this kind of company.

Yes, I know my following is here. Yes, I know if i leave i’d be leaving thousands of followers and half a million notes behind, but I am just… floored that staff is pulling this in 2018. They say “there are other sites” when they know they are the most diversity friendly social media platform. So yeah, staff, I see you.

Tumblr strikethrough. Add it to the list of companies who have fucked over fandom, PoC, women and the LGBTQ+ communities over.

LINK TO MY TWITTER (if the link didn’t work, find it in my desc @juskla)

I know I haven’t used it much in the past, but if everyone would follow my twitter account, I would appreciate it, as I will be active there going forward. Even if you don’t follow me here, feel free to follow me there and join in the conversation about what’s going on in terms of censorship. @ me in tweets about the strikethrough and I will retweet them. DMs are open too if you just need someone to talk to.

I’m going to try to really talk about the importance of queer expression and fandom over there, as well as post fun fandom things like The Dragon Prince, Voltron and Venom. I plan to start a pillowfort


as well, so we will see where that goes.

To anyone who read this far: Can I get a signal boost?

Let’s jump ship and make something new together.

Ready to set sail?🏳️‍🌈✨